Andy Shu, news engineer with Initium Lab, gave a brief tutorial about ReactJS, the Web UI library from Facebook,
in Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 18 September 2015. The event was organized by the Open Innovation Lab of CUHK.

Andy introduced the basics of React and demonstrated making a simple quiz app from the ground up with React.

Here is the video recoding of the tutorial:

The video is also available on Youku.

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The video is also available on YouTube and Youku.

What did we do?

Jackathon is short for “Journalism-Hackathon”. At Initium Lab, we aim to push limits of Journalism with Technology. We hold regular Jackathons to advance our knowledge and skills in using new technology for obtaining data, analysing information, and reporting.

This week, the goal for each participant is to read one the the 60 Data Science books collected by KDnuggets within 8 hours.
Participants could pick one or two books to finish reading in 8 hours and present findings / insights to the others.

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We have promised you an English version of our video about the voting patterns of Hong Kong Legislative Council.
And here it is.

The video is also available on YouTube and Youku.

We also translated the sections of news reports explaining the mysteries mentioned in the video, as follows.

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中國有五百萬盲人[註1], 接近香港的總人口。 加上弱視,總數超過一千二百萬[註2]


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