
我們選取了 4 個國家,分别繪製 1990 年以来入學性別比例的折线圖。縱軸表示女學生與男學生的人數之比,如果數值小於 1.0 ,則代表女學生少於男學生。藍色、綠色、紅色折線分別指初等、中等、高等教育。

猜猜這 4 張圖分別是中國、美國、日本、印度之中的哪個國家?

猜猜這 4 張圖分別是中國、美國、日本、印度之中的哪個國家?

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Based on vote records of 2921 motions of current Hong Kong Legislative Council meetings, Initium Lab analyzed the voting patterns of 70 legislators in Legco Matrix project. For visualization, we made a heat map of 70 rows by 70 columns, with the brightness of each cell representing supportiveness from one voter towards one motion mover (in terms of the percentage of supporting votes).

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2015年9月17日,Facebook 推出 Signal,專為新聞家設計,用來在 Facebook 和 Instagram 上發掘新聞線索。12個小時之前,我們收到了Signal試用權限,下面為大家介紹我們試用Signal的經驗。

Signal 目前功能可以分為四類:

  1. 探索(發現還不知道的的線索);
  2. 搜索(調研、比較已知的關鍵字);
  3. 收納(收納相關的話題和信息);和
  4. 發佈(分享調研成果)。
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我們選用喬布斯在2006年 Macworld 上的一張棒圖,拆解他的數據化妝術。

2006年 Macworld 上,喬布斯向觀衆展示蘋果 Mac 產品在2005年四個季度的銷量:



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We’ll read Journalism books for Jackathon this weekend (October 10th or 11th).

A reading list is compiled with input from within Initium Lab team and our colleagues.
Most on the list are in English; some are Chinese.

The reading list covers books about

  1. Data Journalism, such as the Verification Handbook for Investigative Reporting,
  2. Human bias, such as Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking: Fast and Slow,
  3. Storytelling, such as Robert McKee’s Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting,
  4. Writing, such as Stephen King’s On Writing, and
  5. Tradition of Journalism, such as The Elements of Journalism.

You’ll read one or more books in one day and share your learning with other participants.

If you like to participate, please fill in the form here: http://goo.gl/forms/74dOlnSqUe.

We’ll check the availability of potential participants and determine the final date, and notify everyone as soon as feasible.

The book list is as follows, categorized by theme.

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Google Sheets 最近推出了一項新功能 Explore,或許能成為探索陌生數據的第一步。Google 介紹稱,Explore 能根據表格內容自動生成盡可能多的圖表,還順帶做些數據分析,挖掘數據的關聯和趨勢[1]。

Explore 的使用方法很簡單,一次點擊就能自動出圖,不時還會附上(它認為)有趣的發現,例如列舉最大值和最小值等。

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