On May 9, 2016, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (“ICIJ” in short), a global network of journalists who collaborates on in-depth and investigative stories, released the long awaited offshore entities database behind Panama Papers Investigation.

So far, the offshore leaks database published by ICIJ includes at least 200,000 offshore entities from Panama Papers, and over 100,000 records from ICIJ’s previous investigations.

The offshore leaks database contains detailed contact postal address of all kinds of entities, offshore or non-offshore ones, officers and intermediaries, based on which we made colored maps revealing the distribution of postal address of people or companies involved in the offshore industry.

To begin with, let’s have an overview of where these companies or people are.

global map

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二十一歲的青年魏則西不幸罹患晚期滑膜肉瘤,更不幸地經百度推廣前往一家莆田系醫院就診,花費巨額接受治療,最終不治身亡。他的死亡是引爆輿論的重磅炸彈,和百度搜索一樣,莆田系醫院也被拉回公共視野,受到媒體和公眾的質疑。在虛擬世界,一群 geek 默默在 GitHub 上發起了對莆田系醫院的戰爭。

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For journalists who do not code, after reading this article, you will master 15 one-line commands that can help you handle complex problems in seconds.

Initium Lab has collected various command line tricks as we hack journalism with technology. Here is our editor’s choice so far including: image processing, video processing, PDF manipulation, social network hacking and other useful one-liners. Just open your Terminal, and follow the steps.


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This week’s theme is “hacking data”, on which Initium Lab, with 6 friends invited, tried to analyze or visualize two data sets and produce meaningful presentations. We introduced two of our own data sets to participants: 1) structured data of CCTV news broadcast; 2) structured data of HK Research Grant Council (RGC), which Initium Lab had made some simple processing in advance.

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On 7 Nov 2015 and 8 Nov 2015, PyCon (Python Conference) was held at Hong Kong Cyberport. It is the largest annual gathering for the Pythoners community. Python is one our most commonly used languages at Initium Lab so we definitely did not miss the chance. Two Initium Lab members, Pili Hu and Andy Xin, gave talks about scraping on the conference. Following are the quick and short notes we took away from PyConHK 2015.

MOU PyConHK. Photo Credit: PyConHK Facebook Group

(Photo Credit: PyConHK Facebook Group)

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